The palm bottle is the smallest. Very portable, it fits snugly into an adult hand. It is intended to be held rather than left sitting and thus the potion is formulated to maximize responsiveness to movement. As you gently move the bottle the glitter will roll and swirl in soothing patterns. Set your palm bottle near the computer, the phone or the TV - anywhere you might need something to fidget with!
Snow Dances (White):
This potion invokes the magic of a crisp morning after a snowfall. The frost fairies have danced with the falling flakes, adding their magical sparkle across the pristine, white surface of the snow.
Your potion may ‘breathe’ when exposed to warmer temperatures, if you see a small droplet anywhere on the cork just wipe it away. If there are persistent issues or actual leakage please contact me.
Snow Dances potion -palm size
This potion is NOT intended for ingestion. For best results hold the potion bottle and gently shake it, peer into the swirling depths. Continue to move your bottle around and see the shapes and eddies that form inside.
Focus on your potion when you are feeling calm and happy to 'charge' it, then when you are stressed or upset you can gaze into it again to draw on the stored calming energy.
The potion is stored in a glass bottle which is, of course, fragile. These potions are not intended for small children and should be stored in a safe place where your familiar (especially if they are a cat) cannot knock it off the shelf!
There are no toxic ingredients in this bottle, if you have any questions please send me a message and I'm happy to provide additional detail!